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Our Vision

Sustainable and resilient food systems that ensure food, nutrition and economic security for all.

Our Mission

To end global food and nutrition insecurity by building bridges between local partners and Israel's leading experts to create life-changing agricultural solutions.

Why Israel?


Israel overcame huge challenges odds to emerge as a global powerhouse in agriculture and water and has unique value to share: 


Experience in creating an effective enabling environment through holistic policies and farmer centred systems.

Expertise Israel boasts world-class technical know-how spanning the production value chain.

Agri-Tech Innovation As the Start-Up Nation Israel not only has cutting edge technologies but a renowned capacity to innovate.

Entrepreneurial Mindset Behind so much of Israel's success lies an entrepreneurial mindset and the ability think outside the box.

Our Strategic Approach

In response to global food insecurity and in light of  Israel’s agricultural experience, expertise and capacity to innovate we work to create 3 levels of changes:

Supporting Agricultural Producers


Building their capacity to be more productive, profitable, resilient and sustainable.


HOW? By building teams of Israeli experts who work with local partners to share knowledge and co-design impactful solutions. We also fund co-development and  adaptation of Israeli agricultural technologies.

Strengthening Food Systems


Supporting global leadershito improve efficacy and resilience.

HOW? We do this by sharing lessons from the systems that Israel established and by providing high level advisory and implementation support to governments and international organizations

Developing New Solutions


Creating new innovation to sustainably feed the world tomorrow.


HOW? We do this by designing projects and raising funds for cutting edge applied scientific research and supporting the next generation of Israeli agricultural scientists.

The three changes are intimately related and contribute to different processes which play a vital role in agricultural transformation

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Our work to Strengthen Food Systems operates at the systemic level targeting a 'top-down' paradigm shift to create an enabling environment for farmers.

Our work to Support Global Producers operates at the individual and community level instigating change from the 'bottom-up'. 


And New Solutions are developed to address the challenges identified by farmers and global systems.

The VIP Model

The best solutions are created in true partnership and we believe in harnessing a rich diversity of views, experiences, skills and expertise. We do this in two ways.


We work with partners to create two way relationships that merge local insights with Israel's cutting-edge expertise, experiences, innovations and problem solving capacities.

Multi-Disciplinary Teams

Replicating Israel's proven approach, we build multi-disciplinary technical teams incorporating expertise across the value chain, and multi-disciplinary project teams integrating technical experts, economists and development professionals.

Our Impact

We believe our work not only creates value for citizens all over the world, but also for The State of Israel.

International Impact

Food Security

Contributing to efforts to end global hunger and improve nutritional quality, availability and affordability in produce

Poverty Eradication

Providing technologies and know-how that spur agricultural growth and contribute to poverty reduction

Sustainable Agriculture

Sharing information and enabling the adoption of more sustainable practices and innovations

Climate Resilience

Promoting agricultural resilience in the face of climate change through new varieties, protocols and technologies

Impact for Israel

Diplomatic Relations

Enhancing relations and avenues for collaboration between Israel and countries around the world

Economic Growth

Creating business opportunities for Israel's agri-tech sector

Tikun Olam

Realizing the Jewish principle of repairing the world, 'Tikun Olam'

Ag Leadership

Strengthening Israel's position as a global leader in agricultural innovation

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